For simple words or phrases, translation can be rather easy. But when you need to translate concepts with the same force and impact as the original text, it can be extremely difficult. You need to be conscious of the difference between the mere substitution of words from one language to another in order to put across ideas, advertisements, expressions and mottos. It’s essential to have a team of professionals that can translate the text while keeping the concept of localisation in mind.

We hire certified, experienced and highly qualified interpreters who can help you resolve any communication problem either in Italy or abroad. Each service request is assessed according to the special needs of the customer, the type of interpreting needed, the number of interpreters needed and the environment in which the service will be rendered.

Centro Studi Ateneo offers language courses for the purpose of providing and developing the tools needed to turn a foreign language into a useful instrument for personal and professional growth. The excellent results are due to a tested formula: small groups of adults (maximum of 8 people), short duration

Company profile

Centro Studi Ateneo has been working with languages for over 25 years, providing a service that includes TRANSLATION, INTERPRETATION and LANGUAGE COURSES.
Centro Studi Ateneo is managed by expert project managers who constantly check on the quality of service given to the client. The passion we have for our work, our efficiency and the precision of our service, not to mention our reliability, are all reasons why our clients have been rewarding us with their trust throughout the years. Our dynamic and updated staff is always bettering their capabilities to offer a service whose first goal is excellence.


en_GBEnglish (UK)
it_ITItaliano de_DEDeutsch es_ESEspañol fr_FRFrançais ru_RUРусский en_GBEnglish (UK)